Evonik Stiftung Scholarship

The scholarship of the Evonik Foundation exclusively supports scientific theses (master's theses, doctorates, postdocs). We offer personal and content-related support. Our goal is to support talented young scientists.



We offer the following support:

  • Diploma and Master theses: six months, 250-600 Euro/month
  • Doctorates: two years (option of extension), 1,850 Euro/month
  • In addition, applications can be submitted for the purchase of specialist literature and for attending scientific conferences



• "New Materials for Next Generation Battery Systems" from the field of Material Science   

• Complementary with a focus on the Werner Schwarze scholarships


Werner Schwarze Fellowship for the Promotion of Amino Acid Research

In addition, the Evonik Foundation awards an annual Werner Schwarze Fellowship to young scientists conducting research in the field of amino acids. Werner Schwarze was an eminent chemist and researcher at the former Degussa AG. Among his main achievements was the development of D, L-methionine-now one of the key products in Evonik Industries portfolio. When Degussa AG celebrated "50 Years of Amino Acids for Animal Nutrition" in September 1997, the company honored its former researcher by, among other things, establishing the Werner Schwarze Scholarship for the Promotion of Amino Acid Research, which is awarded annually up until today by the Evonik Foundation.


The prerequisites for the award of a scholarship are:

  • The thematic focus of your research project must be consistent with our annual research focus
  • Your scientific research will be carried out in a renowned, chemically-oriented working group at a German university or at a non-university research institution
  • Your previous academic achievements are outstanding
  • Your desired scientific education cannot be sufficiently financed by your own funds, subsidies from parents or third parties



Phase 1:

If you consider that you meet the requirements listed under "Scholarship Award", please send us a summary of your research project (maximum half a page) exclusively by e-mail to  info@evonik-stiftung.de. Please also include your full name, the university and your doctoral supervisor.

After your research outline has been reviewed by our scientific expert, we will inform you whether you can submit a complete application or send you a rejection. Please note that you must send us your abstract (Phase 1) by 15th February at the latest. Summaries received after this deadline will not be considered.


Phase 2:

If you receive a positive reply after the first phase, please submit your complete application documents in the order described below. Please send us only one complete PDF file.

1. Motivation letter

2. Curriculum vitae in tabular form with picture (optional)

3. Topic and research goal of the scientific work (maximum 10 pages) with the following contents:

    3.1 Introduction with state of research

    3.2 Summary and research objectives

    3.3 Planned experiments

    3.4 Timetable

4. Certificates
Please note that you should submit your certificates to us in decreasing chronological order, starting with the most recent degree:  Master's, Bachelor's, Baccalaureate

5. Expert opinion of the supervisor
Please note that you must also submit an original copy of your supervising professor's report to us via the postal service by February 28 at the latest.

postal address:
Evonik Stiftung
Rellinghauser Straße 1-11
45128 Essen

6. Completed Evonik Foundation questionnaire
We will send you the Evonik Foundation questionnaire by e-mail together with a request to send us your complete application documents.


Phase 3:

After February 28th, we will review your documents and then invite a selection of applicants for an interview. There we will give you the opportunity to present your research topic to a team of experts.

We will then inform you as soon as possible whether we have submitted your application for a scholarship to the Foundation's Board of Directors for approval. Funding will not be available until June of each year at the earliest.